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+1 y

Do you believe life is "pre-planned" with no free will?

So I actually took a few classes on this subject. There are a few arguments, but I think that ultimately the answer is no. What we know is that because of time dilation it’s very... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

*Possible spoilers* How do you feel about the end of Game of Thrones?

You all got trolled by GOT. LOL. Never watched it, and maybe I never will now. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Has anyone that came from a super religious family broken the rules to experience life differently?

This is exactly why religion is so cruel. It traps people, fills them with fear and makes them feel dirty and guilty. It’s a bird cage. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

How do you handle negative emotions?

When I get really pissed off in a non superficial way I go straight to the gym and fume whilst working out. I do my normal weights routine until I’m finished and then I go straight to the... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Would you buy a "remastered" video game if you already owned an original copy?

Personally I wouldn’t or I’d resist the idea for as long as possible. One to save money and two because eventually the remastered version will come down in price and I usually don’t like the... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Does love distract us from becoming a successful person?

It definitely does. But there’s a twist. If successful on its own, then love can create a more powerful thing than material wealth ever could. Growing together with someone you care about can... Relationships

+1 y

Guys, why does it take you so long to poop?

😂😂😂 We sit on the toilet and read. Either books or on our phones. Health & Fitness

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