Pimples on my forehead do not go away, what should I do?

A lot of red pimples appear on my forehead like this, they never go away no matter what I do, even if I eat healthy and drink water....

Do you dress like The 8th doctor from doctor who or Dracula every day?

Yes, I do and it boosts my confidence. Thanks for such a nice question...

Are you good with disguises?

Do you think anyone would recognize me if I wear a fake mustache? 🥸

What style of Jeans do you wear?

Men: Women :
38 36

Do people actually wear leggings without underwear underneath?

Sorry if this question is a little stupid but I heard some people discussing this. A women said that she doesn't wear underwear...
6 6

Girls, do you think "guyliner" is hot?

I was just wondering, because i know guys find eyeliner hot on women, so i was wondering if it was true the other way around.

Guys, do you like white jeans on girls?

I am slim and I have a nice body and I just wanted to see if guys like white skinny jeans on girls with a nice body and a quite big...

What do you prefer, Nike or Adidas?

I personally like Nike better but what about you and why?
7 10

Do girls like mustaches?

Do girls like mustaches at all? i mean i really want to have one eventually
14 9

Do you think make up is "lying"?

I know a few guys who say make up is "lying". they say that sometimes a girl looks like a completely different (more attractive) person...
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Ruby Rose - the style of Justin Bieber, the face of Angelina Jolie, right?

Same nose, similar lips and eyes... Yeah. I'm not posting a pic of Justin. No need. xD
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