Have you ever been to a theme park? Which one (s) was your favorite and why?

Been to: Cedar Pointe, Six Flags, Geauga Lake, Wyandotte Lake, Worlds of Fun, King's Island, Epcot, Disney World, Busch Gardens,...

What's your biggest flex that you don't talk about?

I, myself am a listener and a secret keeper. What's yours?

Did you like riding a bike as a kid?

For me, it was my main mode of transportation to my friends. I was always excited to ride a few miles all on my own. Going to the park,...

Should I change my driving instructor?

I have had 8 hours of practise with my instructor (plus 2 hours with another teacher while main teacher was away). I have a few issues:...

If you could be something else but a human, what'd you choose to become?

I actually, often wonder how calm it'd be if I was some bird, Hawk or Eagle 🦅. Just soaring high in the skies, being far from the...

Round 10! Which hobby do you prefer to partake in?

Ladies and Gentlemen we have finally reached the end of the hobbies road it has been a good time but now it is time to finally close...
5 10

Which hobby would you prefer to do part 9?

Hey everyone I have returned after not being here for two days because my account unfortunately froze so I couldn't technically be on...
8 10

Which hobby looks the most fun to you part 8?

We have officially reached the last three hobbies questions everyone you guys know what up which activity looks like the most exciting....
5 5

Part 7 of which hobby you wouldn't mind trying to do?

You gents and ladies already know the jizz which hobby seems pleasing in your eyes. While I would rather wear it instead of crafting it...
6 9

Part 6 of the which hobby would be most interesting to try?

We are officially almost finished just have four more rounds to go for hobbies but now ladies and gentlemen which activity would you...
6 9

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