What's your biggest flex that you don't talk about?

I, myself am a listener and a secret keeper. What's yours?

Did you like riding a bike as a kid?

For me, it was my main mode of transportation to my friends. I was always excited to ride a few miles all on my own. Going to the park,...

Should I change my driving instructor?

I have had 8 hours of practise with my instructor (plus 2 hours with another teacher while main teacher was away). I have a few issues:...

If you could be something else but a human, what'd you choose to become?

I actually, often wonder how calm it'd be if I was some bird, Hawk or Eagle 🦅. Just soaring high in the skies, being far from the...

Remember Hollow man? What is that one thing you'd do if you happen to become Hollow man for a day?

I don't know... The possibilities are vast lol. I think I'd scare the heck outta my ex (just for fun) 😂

What is your favorite POV for fiction?

What do you like or dislike about each one?
1 2

Who likes to doodle or sketch on here?

Sketch or doodle, sketching for a photo of choice or from eye-view and scribble mindlessly, deliberately, absentmindedly.
3 6

Do you play chess?

I haven’t played chess in like 10 years. And I played my nephew for the first time yesterday. Needless to say I got destroyed. It was...
10 12

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