Are you looking forward to summers? If yes, what are you looking to do particularly?

I enjoy winters but it gets difficult to get going and do stuff with the freezing temps. Really looking forward to summers when it's...

Do you collect anything?

lol before I was pregnant I had a phase I was super into collecting uranium glass. It was mostly Dishes, vases, cups, and sculptures....

Hobby Obsession - Mental Illness or Normal?

i have A. D. D and an obsession with Magnet Fishing. I can spend hours scouring Google Maps looking and cataloging my next Magnet...

What’s one of your favorite things to do on your day off?

For me, I love taking my time drinking my coffee. 😊❤️

What do you guys do when you re bored?

I m in a stagnant phase, and I m trying to do some fun activities, but nothing comes to my mind.

What color do you like on this vehicle?

Guess they’re all pretty basic but whatever lol Also why is white paint an upcharge? I don’t think it’s a very expensive paint
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Preferable GoTo?

4 6

Which do you like better as a pet cats or dogs?

🤣🤣🤣 I find it funny to be a dude that I like cats better , but I do... lol
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