Socialising or hobby?

I don't socialise much because everytime I go out I spend lots of money on transport, alcohol and food. So I spend it on perfume instead...

What are some objects in your home that make it feel warm and inviting?

Looking to redecorate so please use links and names of items if possible.

Do fish recognize people?

I got a betta fish last week.

What drugs don't show up on drugs tests?

Two nights ago I went to the bar and had 5-6 drinks. My friends confirmed this. That is the normal number of drinks I have and I ate the...

Who here can dance?

Back in college a group of us got together that use to dance swing and country. I don't dance anymore but it got me wondering how many...

How much would my real estate portfolio have to be, net worth?

After property taxes, insurance, and other upkeep/expenses) assume no mortgage or mortgage insurance.

Did you ever do Easter egg hunts as a kid?

For those who celebrate it that is? Did you ever partake in Easter egg hunts? if so how was it? did you ever find a golden egg with...
15 13

Best.308 7.62X51 CIVILIAN battle rifle for personal defense and survival/hunting?

My pick is the M1A scout. It’s old school wood and steel which is more durable than plastic and alloys, has a true war winning pedigree,...
1 4

What is your favorite animal?

2 5

Is there something you threw away or gave away that you regret?

I used to have hundreds of nintendo power magazines dating back to the first ones in the late 80s for some reason i thought i should...
3 2

What do you normally do on Friday nights?

Do you go out with friends? your partner? just chill at home? maybe you work?
12 21

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