Do your hobbies help alleviate your stress or add to it?

Sometimes I let mine get in the way of other fun😕!

What are some things you do to relax after a stressful day?

I watch TV or take a relaxing hot bath.
10 11

Question for rabbit owners why does rabbit nudge their owners with nose?

I have recently noticed my rabbit nudges me with nose when i am sitting and doing some work and he is playing around he will come and...

If you could pursue a hobby wholeheartedly and money wasn't an issue, What hobby would you like to give try?

There's plenty of things too expensive but is there anything you'd try? I wanted to ask the question now thanks to the new topic added lol.

For those of you with a hobby or hobbies, which was the MOST difficult to start and why?

It could be hard to get into for general difficulty, cost, time, etc. What is a hobby you enjoy that was challenging to get into?
10 14

Do you like building plastic or wooden model kits? If so, what kind?

I enjoy plastic cars and airplanes, and detailed wooden ship models.

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