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+1 y

Do you have this nerd song stuck in your head?

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this song or this band actually. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Looking for an Anime Suggestion?

How much anime would you say you have seen? I believe I could name some, but I don't know how obscure you're looking for. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

How to get drum tracks in Reaper?

You can make midi tracks, though they're technically "omni tracks," but that's just semantics. You need a virtual instrument downloaded though. Even if you have the ReaPlugs all downloaded (which... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

What are some good new female rock or pop/rock artists?

My personal favorite that is somewhat modern is the band Destiny Potato Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Continue the story?

...Chopped the chocolate bar into small pieces as fancy shaved topping. Shame ran through her head. “It’s 3AM, my boyfriend is sleeping back at home, but fuggin hell, I’m too damn hungry.” It was... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Which is the superior metal subgenre?

Out of those listed, I'd go with Thrash metal, thinking of the band Testament. However, my personal favorite metal subgenre is progressive / progressive metalcore / djent. I'm not a big fan of... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Your favorite Princess Bride character (s)?

AH I LOVE THAT MOVIE But really, I gotta go with Vizzini. His role was so short, but the battle of wits scene always puts a smile on my face. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Can you play any musical instrument?

For the original question, I believe I can play anything... just not well, and maybe not immediately. It takes time and dedication to an instrument to produce anything too meaningful/complex.... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Do you listen to Electronic Dance Music? If yes, which genres. If no, what is the reason why you don't?

I listen to an extremely limited amount of it. I'm generally pretty picky with it. If I found one I like, I'll listen to it, but most of it is either to boring for me (i.e. not melodic enough),... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Arcade Fire. Do people actually know this fantastic band?

It's a band I've heard of. They're not quite in line with my music taste, but to each their own. 👍 Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

When you play RPG games, what type of skills you prefer upgrading first in your character?

To be perfectly honest, there is a good chance I’ll just pick whatever I think looks/feels the coolest and adjust my gameplay strategy to that lol. For instance, I liked the look of Ebony Armor in... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Please help, what is that song that has the violin and goes, “bum.. bum bum bum buuuum... Ba da dum bum.. bum... bum bum bum buuuummm?

Here is an online sequencer. My advice is to write a general rough draft of what you can hear (even if it is far from perfect). The issue is that you can hear the... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

What's song are you currently addicted to?

Lately, I have been acting as a djentleman and listening to the band Kadinja. "The Modern Rage" This song is sort of like a mix of Meshuggah, Korn,... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Twenty years of Spongebob! What is your favorite Spongebob moment?

Agggh that’s hard to choose. Thinking back, the flying dutchman episode was my favorite. “The Perfume Department” Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?

I'm going to go with Lord of the Rings. I find the universe of it more engaging than Harry Potter. Looking at the movies, I wasn't the biggest fan of The Hobbit, but the original LOTR movies were... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Is there a song which you know the words by heart?

Everlong by Foo Fighters. It's probably the most played song on my music library by far. I have a sort of sentimental feeling towards it as an... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Have you ever heard of Metroid Prime or Donkey Kong Country?

I've heard and played both. Specifically looking at Metroid, Metroid is easily my favorite Nintendo series. I played the original version back on the Gamecube (though I was young and sucked... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

What is your favorite guilty pleasure music?

In degrees of less guilt to more guilt, it goes as follows: 90s hits (mostly Third Eye Blind and Goo Goo Dolls) : Early 2000s teenage songs:... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Which one of these songs is your least favorite?

Sidenote: Phobia is my favorite album (I love the song Breath!). But least favorite? Hmm, I honestly haven’t heard a Breaking Benjamin song I’ve truly disliked, but I think I’d have to vote... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

I can't decide which to get. Which guitar color do you think looks better?

If we're talking a decent quality guitar in the intermediate range and up, I'd go with the sunburst finish everyday. I love the looks of those. However, a lot of cheaper guitars don't have one... Entertainment & Arts

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