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2 mo

When is your birthday?

December 4 Other

2 mo

What's the cringiest song you have heard lately?

I actually like the chorus of Golden Hour. I think it’s a really pretty sound. I just wish the verses were better. I can’t think of any songs that I find cringy at the moment. I just... Entertainment & Arts

2 mo

Why was Ciara not able to reach Beyoncé and Rihanna's level of success? Should Ciara be on the same level as Beyonce and Rihanna?

I’m just gonna copy and paste my response to Dizzydesii : I actually just watched a video about Ciara. They were talking about how with her third album, there was a messy roll out. The album kept... Entertainment & Arts

2 mo

Why has Disney Channel stopped making so many great shows like the ones we grew up om?

I agree. But I do wonder if the shows were genuinely better or is it just because we were kids at the time so they didn’t seem as cheesy to us? And maybe we still like those shows only because of... Entertainment & Arts

2 mo

Are you afraid because time is passing quickly and you getting older?

Yes, all the time. I don’t really like to think about it Other

2 mo

Do you ever troll questions on here?

Sometimes. But I try to make it come off as extremely sarcastic. I try to make it seem obvious that I’m not being serious. so at that point if you still take me seriously, that’s on you Other

2 mo

What are your plans for Valentine's Day?

So I’m working tonight cause I’m not allowed to request off holidays. So we celebrated yesterday instead. We didn’t do much. Just ordered food and watched some movies Valentine's Day

2 mo

How many of you are spending Valentine's Day not celebrating it?

I technically already celebrated it but we’re doing anything on the actual holiday. I’m working tonight and I’m not allowed to request off holidays. So we celebrated yesterday instead. And... Valentine's Day

2 mo

What do you get for your partner for the first Valentine’s Day?

Nothing. We agreed not to give valentines gifts this year. We’ve been together for 7 years, we’ve gotten each other so many big gifts for anniversarys, valentines, Christmas, and birthdays. At... Valentine's Day

2 mo

Who do u prefer?

Definitely BeyoncĂ©. Her music is much more enjoyable and she’s a more talented vocalist and performer Entertainment & Arts

2 mo

Are you good at solving Rebus Puzzles?

I don’t understand any of these but then again I’m kinda high right now. So I’m a bit slow lol. Maybe I’ll come back and try when I’m sober Other

2 mo

How did you plan to celebrate with your partner tomorrow?

I work tomorrow night unfortunately. So we didn’t really make any plans. Maybe we can go out tonight instead Valentine's Day

2 mo

Do you like peace or drama?

I like peace for myself but I love hearing about other peoples drama Other

2 mo

Do you like rollercoasters?

Yes. I’ve been on the one in the picture actually lol I've noticed that I don’t enjoy them as much as I did as a kid though. Entertainment & Arts

2 mo

If the world had a vote to keep or remove Valentines Day as a holiday which way would you go?

Keep it. I don’t get why everyone hates Valentine’s Day so much. Valentine's Day

2 mo

Do you prefer shows that have an ending in near sight or series that seem to never end?

I don’t have the attention span for long series. I barely have it for short series either at this point. its really hard for me to finish a show. Even if I enjoy it. I usually just get distracted... Entertainment & Arts

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