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+1 y

So how you spending your day today?

Well I woke up to this ☺️ I’m gonna study before I shower then stop by 7/11 get a sandwhich and go to class. After that I’m gonna study then go get a pizza. Valentine's Day

+1 y

Describe your perfect Valentine's Date?

I wanna have a picnic with a bunch of cookies and cupcakes and little cucumber sandwhiches and just so much candy. Valentine's Day

+1 y

Is this a good Valentine's day present?

Yeah I want one. It’s too cute Valentine's Day

+1 y

What is the best and worst gift you've ever received on Valentine's Day? Who from?

Worst gift : My first boyfriend gave me a teddy bear that he had been having a long time. Best gift : my current boyfriend bought me a huge bag of sour patch kids. Valentine's Day

+1 y

Why do they call it Valentine's day? Why do we have it marked such a special day for couples?

They couldn’t even do one for MLK jr day and that’s a holiday 😑. Valentine's Day

+1 y

Why is Valentine's day so overrated?

It’s not overrated. I love Valentine’s Day. It’s fun. Valentine's Day

+1 y

If a guy tells you "Happy Valentine's Day" does that mean he considers you two an "item"?

No. I’ve been receiving them all day. I say thankyou anc keep it pushing. Valentine's Day

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