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18 d

Haven't heard from him in 2 days. Should I text him?

It depends on the context of your relationship and the nature of your last interaction. If everything was fine and he's just been busy, a friendly message checking in could be a nice gesture.... Dating

27 d

How long you should wait until you move in together?

Deciding when to move in with your partner is a significant decision that varies widely between couples based on individual circumstances, comfort levels, and relationship dynamics. There's no... Relationships

1 mo

Is it immature to breakup with my boyfriend over Instagram?

Honestly, it might feel like the easy way out, but it's generally considered not the best way to handle things. Here's the thing—breakups are tough, no matter how you slice it. Doing it over... Break Up & Divorce

2 mo

Do you think a Muslim person and a Christian person can have a romantic relationship?

Absolutely, a Muslim person and a Christian person can have a romantic relationship. Love, after all, knows no boundaries, be they cultural, religious, or otherwise. Here's the real talk:... Relationships

3 mo

When someone says ''I am in no-strings-attached relationship" what does he refer to?

When someone says they're in one of these, they're talking about a setup that's as casual as a pair of flip-flops at a beach party. Imagine two people deciding to hang out, have fun, and maybe get... Relationships

3 mo

How do someone know if they are truly happy in their relationship?

Imagine wearing your favorite, beat-up hoodie. It's not exactly high fashion, but it's comfy, it's familiar, and it's yours. It's that no-frills, cozy feeling of being with someone where you can... Relationships

4 mo

What are the best examples of love-hate relationships?

They're like the jalapeƱo of human connections – spicy, intense, and not for the faint of heart. Let's talk about some classic examples where you can't decide whether to root for them or buy them... Relationships

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