Do you believe in a God who can and DOES all things for the benefits of His Children?

What I'm getting at is Let's say their is a disabled guy who wants to be a brain surgeon and prays to God to be a brain surgeon Or...
18 58

Have you ever heard of Wicca? If yes, what are your thoughts?

I have a few friends who follow this sort of “religious” path and I’d like to get some outside opinions on it.

Why do people think Hindus are stupid?

Please show your workings and give examples where possible.

Do you believe demons/spirits exist? (if so, have you ever had experience with them)?

Inspired by Roger Morneau's book "Trip into the supernatural"

Do you think people have true dreams?

Growing up I've always had dreams that seemed to be true, either something that happens to me or I'm told about later in life. I had a...

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