Are you watching the eclipse tonight?

It will start in about an hour and will be about 3 hours long. They only last this long every 600 or so years.

If you think Rittenhouse is guilty of murder. Can you explain logically why?

I have yet to hear a well informed opinion on why Kyle Rittenhouse is guilty of murder. If you do believe that can you from a legal...

So is the Kyle Rittenhouse case actually about Jacob Blake? Isn't Jacob Blake a scumbag who caused his own misfortune?

If Jacob Blake was a model citizen, he would not have had a bad encounter with the police. He alone is responsible for the Kenosha...

Do you find it ironic that BLM is protesting the Rittenhouse trial?

I'm wondering if they leave a noticed they're there to protest an outcome or changing outcome for that matter in a case of a white guy...

If Rittenhouse is found innocent will it set a precedent for people to go on human shooting trips?

The case of Rittenhouse rests on one point of law, can you deliberately and unnecessarily put yourself in danger then claim self...

What's the deal with Rittenhouse?

i thought self defense is allowed

Should R. Kelly go to jail? Do you think he is guilty?

It is a rising controversial topic, so I’m curios where people stand on the subject and their reasoning for their opinion. The poll...
7 24

Who do you think will be the next big American retailer to die out?

I don't see Sears/ Kmart lasting the year, and JCPenney going out by 2021.
7 15

Does Sears still have a chance at all, or is it over forever?
6 19

Is President Trump going to call the border an national emergency?

Tonight at 9 Eastern time zone.
7 17

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