Be Your Best Internet Self in 2017

Somewhere along the line, some people have gotten it into their heads that the internet is just this dumping ground where they are...
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How Technology is Making us Stupid

Five hours on the internet and the naive subjects had already rewired their brains,” (Carr) Before the internet and modern technology,...
3 12

My Creepy Encounters on Social Networking Sites and My Phone

Social networking sites do enable interaction between individuals and groups. An influx of data in the form of graphics and textual...
8 12

Catfishing: The Epidemic Sweeping the Internet

There's been an ongoing epidemic of people faking who they are online, ranging from catfishes on dating sites to people pretending to be...
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Why 3D Printed Guns Actually Should Worry You

A while ago the news went ape-shit over a the first 3D printed gun. They were talking about how now anyone could simply make their own...
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Misconception vs. Reality: Internet Trolls

I don't know if I'm going to make this into a series. I'm planning on making videos soon, but I thought this particular post would work...
5 9

Everyday Technology That Exists Because of War

I know that nobody likes going to war. It's bloody, causes conflict, love ones get hurt, people die, and the list just goes on and on....
6 13

Have you noticed that females always get male followers on here and on social media?

A lot of Instagram models have a ton of male followers. Yet males barely get any followers or friend requests. Almost any female can get...
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Hey guys, what do you think about my instagram photos 😊?

Hi, I'm not a professional but I really love to share inspiring photos😄 Some of my photos If you like it you can follow my...

Why do teens these days post cringy "deep" captions on instagram along with pics?

Seriously. I asked a girl why she did this , and she said it was because she was a "deep" person. Literally minutes later I overhear her...

What should be the legal age limit for kids having social media accounts?

The legal requirement is 13 for most social media accounts , but parents are helping children as young as 9 create a profile on Facebook...
12 12

A former teacher sent me a friend request on Facebook. Why did he only send one to me?

We are both musicians (him 36 and me 18) so probably that is why he sent me this request, but there were other students who were...

How come no one changes their iPhone ringtone?

When I'm in a store and an iPhone ringtone goes off, everyone is checking if it's their phone. Why do we all have the same ringtone?

Being harassed on Instagram?

For the past few days, I've been targeted by an anonymous person who has relentlessly harassed me from behind a hate page. I report and...

Would you use a condom that could measure your performance?

The name of such condom is called, "i. Con Smart Condom." "A connected condom able to measure your sexual performance, calories...
4 24

Can you accept genetically modified humans?

Just a tiny curious thought: With the rapid advance of today's technology in the medical field, can you imagine your friends or...
7 12

“I fear the day when technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots”

Albert Einstein once was quoted as saying... “I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a...
2 8

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