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+1 y

Would you prefer to have people be brutally honest to you, or lie/sugarcoat things to potentially spare your feelings?

I prefer to try to be tactful and diplomatic without actually lying. The dichotomy doesn't have to be between brutal honesty and white lies. There are ways to just use a more sensitive tone... Other

+1 y

What body type do you like best on girls?

I like slim but don't mind if there's some definition provided the girl's bodyfat percentage isn't so low that it's risking infertility. Mainly I'm not so into a lot of mass (muscle or bodyfat). Health & Fitness

+1 y

I heard that buddhist monks don't touch to women. Is it right?

The monks and nuns in Tibet choose celibacy as far as I understand. Here in Japan, I have a friend who people call a Buddhist "monk" but he loves heavy drinking and sex and is quite the... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Who make better leaders , men or women?

Typically I think a leader needs to be an incredibly tough person mentally, capable of making difficult decisions (sometimes ruthless ones) assertively that cannot benefit everyone. They cannot be... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why is it culturally acceptable in Japan and Korea to wear extremely short pants or mini skirts, but not to show a little bit of cleavage?

I don't think it's a matter of acceptability so much as just assets. :-D In Japan, most girls don't have that much going in the chest area so they tend to show off their legs, and sometimes to the... Society & Politics

+1 y

Signs of a good first date?

Kissing or sex usually seemed to suggest that to me. Also if the girl called or texted me soon after and said she wanted to see me again, that seemed like a good sign. Dating

+1 y

Do you find dominant or androgynous looks attractive?

I like the first and last picture. Dating

+1 y

Atheists, do you think being an atheist is boring and hopeless sometimes?

Boredom isn't exclusive to atheism and there are many ways to find happiness and things that engage you in this life without religion. Besides that, you ever been to mass? Maybe people have had... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

SJW Ruining Gaming? Why?

>> But back to the topic, why are SJW trying to ruin gaming experience? They lack the skills to develop successful video games of their own, so they would prefer to police those who have the... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you believe in heaven and hell? If not, why? Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Nowadays most teen girls look like adults. Agree?

I think it's reversed. Most adult girls these days look like teenagers to me. The net result is the same in terms of getting people's age confused, but I actually think more people look younger... Society & Politics

+1 y

Looking at nature and science do you objectively think it is more likely that there is a god or not?

The notion of where everything began is one thing, and you could call it "God" if you want, but complexity is not a suggestion of an intelligent design. Simplicity is what we generally associate... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Why do so many people buy and use Apple products?

Apple represents a strong top-down design mindset, like a government that loves to heavily regulate and centrally plan its economy. There can be a design appeal there in terms of consistency,... Technology & Internet

+1 y

Why do guys stare at girls butt?

I didn't used to be a butt guy until I reached around 30. I used to be all into face and boobs. What changed, I think, was that I started really liking doggystyle position. Flirting

+1 y

Racoons? yay or nay?

I like them but they can totally wreck your house. Other

+1 y

How many of you use Ecosia instead of Google?

I don't really care for it so much. It's based on Microsoft Bing and I feel like Google uses a superior search algorithm. Also the only money that goes to helping plant trees comes from... Technology & Internet

+1 y

Do guys expect girls to be completely hairless?

Sounds like a virgin thing. Any guy who has looked at a girl up close would realize that she tends to have tiny hairs everywhere. That said, I personally prefer a girl to shave/wax her legs... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Would you consider modern day feminism sexist?

If you mean "sexist", generally I believe so because many of them cite the gender earnings gap and treat it like a problem without pinpointing any precise reasons for why it exists. If we... Society & Politics

+1 y

Mohammed Ali vs Bruce Lee. What do u think who will win?

I think Bruce Lee's legend has always been exaggerated a bit, but my money's on him. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Should zoo's be banned on a global scale?

Doing that on a global scale could quickly lead to a lot of endangered species becoming extinct. Zoos are a lesser evil as I see it to... Society & Politics

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