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+1 y

Girls, have you ever been friendzoned?

No, I can't be friendzoned because I'm asexual and aromantic. I friendzone every single straight girl, gay guy, and bisexual... Relationships

+1 y

Why are girls so damn sexy?

In my opinion, most girls and guys look very plain... Sit on a public bench and observe how average looking most people are... I heard people usually date people around their own attractiveness... Flirting

+1 y

How often do you get "catfished" on social media?

I don't know. I don't pay attention to people who I don't know on social media. On here, I might have been catfished by some catfishes on here but again... I don't pay attention to people who have... Technology & Internet

+1 y

Why do really short girls (4'10 and under) and really tall guys (6'5" and over) have nice faces?

My half brother is 6'11" and he's above a 7. He got his extreme height from his mom's side of the family and he has my dad's good genes too because we share the same father. Really short girls... Society & Politics

+1 y

What do Muslims think about Satan?

I think he is the source of all evil. Why would I have any good opinion of him after he said this? Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Do you think people mistake youthful physical features with feminine features?

Yes, some people do but most people would call it a baby/young face or something. A man with youthful features doesn't look feminine unless he actually has feminine features or lacks masculine... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Chocolate or Halva?

I like chocolate. I don't really like halva. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do You Believe Justin Bieber is a Transgender?

I don't like that guy but I don't have a reason to believe he's transgender. When he was younger, he had a feminine face/voice. I don't think transgender people get sex changes when they're that... Other

+1 y

Have you ever heard of the megamouth shark?

Yeah, I used to read a lot about sharks. Other

+1 y

What news networks do you watch?

I don't watch the news... I read Google News Trending & News

+1 y

Will you be sending an anonymous candy gram to your crush on Valentine's Day?

1. I don't have a crush and I never did/will 2. I won't be sending anybody a candy gram... Flirting

+1 y

Russian girls or Brazilian girls? Who are prettier?

That's a hard one because both of them tend to be pretty. I picked Russian girls because I'm biased... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Finding someone attractive vs. Being attracted to someone?

It's sad that people these days can't tell the difference between the two... It depends on what kind of attractive you are describing and what kind of attraction you are describing. Other

+1 y

Do you love your children more then your spouse?

1. I will never have a spouse because I'm asexual and aromantic. 2. I don't have children and I never will. So I can't love them if I will never have them. The only people I love the most goes in... Family & Friends

+1 y

Should I burp and fart?

Yes, but only in private or in the bathroom... Don't ever do it in public or when someone else is around because it's nasty/rude and someone will give you a dirty look or something. This one guy... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Average height, dark hair, handsome vs blonde, tall and handsome?

I'm tall, dark and handsome. I'm brunette with green eyes and olive skin, and girls think I'm one of the hottest guys ever. Dating

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