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+1 y

What does netflix and chill really mean?

😂 I'm sorry. Yeah, it means you have sex with Netflix on the background. I doubt he even gets Netflix. Dating

+1 y

Who were you in highschool? What were you known for?

A wannabe psycho kid. Education & Career

+1 y

How to "Not give a fuck" ?

Nah man, not giving a fuck in itself embraces an apathetic attitude and while it may give you a moment's relief, on the long run, you just become hollow inside. I'd suggest you heed this guy.... Other

+1 y

Do you find smoking attractive? You tell me. Relationships

+1 y

How do some girls get boyfriends easily and others don't?

Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go every where. Lol. Dating

+1 y

Would you describe yourself as sexy and hot?

No, I'd consider myself armed and dangerous. Say I'm not sexy and hot. I dare you. Other

+1 y

Why do so many women say 4 inch penises are small?

Proof that women watch as much porn as men do. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Ladies, do you follow Robin Scherbatsky's "I don't shave, I must behave" rule? And men, do you even care if a lady doesn't shave?

Legs... Don't really care about the hair. But I can't eat a girl who has a bush. I find it ridiculous if I'm expected to do that. Dating

+1 y

Do you think guys get muscular to attract girls?

I do it to stay athletic, not to grab someone else's attention. I think building muscle attract women is a poor way of building self esteem. Over the course of eleven years playing sports, I've... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Do you regret not being a better son/daughter?

Yeah. Somedays, it makes you wonder what if you met your parents as a complete stranger and they remember nothing about your whatsoever. Would they happier? If they were happier, would you walk... Family & Friends

+1 y

My mind has been "cloudy" for the last 10 years or so, and it's ruining my life?

Boredom, my friend. A genuine lack of genuine excitement. You aren't having enough fun, probably because you're not doing what you love or slaving away with no results. Happens. The cause of all... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Where do you gain fat on your body faster?

Your glutes, butt, thigh and around your waist. Around the chest if its genetic. Health & Fitness

+1 y

If a girl smiles and rolls her eyes what does it mean?

I'll tell you what a guy shouldn't do when a girl does that. But seriously, why don't you ask her? Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Why do women always win arguments?

Why? Because someone's gotta be the grown up. Might as well be men. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

What should I expect to talk about and do with a therapist?

Just be cooperative. That's simply the best way to make progress. Crying is ok. Its perfectly fine. You're bound to do it sometime. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why do bad boys like innocent girls?

This question should be the other way around. Because innocent girls like playing with fire. Its warm from a distance, it burns you if you get too close. As for why bad boys like innocent girls? I... Relationships

+1 y

Guys, How tall would you want your girlfriend to be?

I like tall so 5'8? I'm 6'1, so that's an ideal five inch difference. Dating

+1 y

Your height and weight and what do you eat usually?

I'm 186cm 67kg. I didn't eat anything yet. Health & Fitness

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