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+1 y

Which hair style is more attractive for long blonde hair?

Both are beautiful. It depends on your look. Flirting

+1 y

Do you think the world would be better without religion?

It doesn't matter what religion you believe in as long as it teaches you to live peacefully with others. It's basically the religions around the world that secretly protect some amount of peace... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

What country are you fascinated with the most?

European countries, U. S. A and Egypt Travel

+1 y

Would you date a Muslim?

I'm sorry, but I wouldn't. I know some Muslim girls are very kind, but I wouldn't. I know I can't come up with a Muslim girl for sure and I will never convert. 1) I'm Catholic, and that would... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Would you kiss a girl if she had a pimple on her face above her lip?

Sure I would! Love doesn't care about pimples and freckles Flirting

+1 y

How certain are you of your religious beliefs and why?

I'm Catholic and certain about my religion but sometimes I lack to abide our commandments and laws. I'm really disappointed to see the atheists rising. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

The bible says that God shall take to heaven all those of pure heart and intensions. What happens to the sinners, or those who seek forgiveness?

Anyone who truly repents for their sins shall enter to the heaven. That's why you must confess or leave whatever the bad habits and start a new life. St Augustine sinned for 40 years, but after... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Why are guys allowed to walk around with no shirt but girls aren't?

That's because it's illegal under the law and illegal under the religious laws. If you feel hot you can wear a sleeveless top. :) Society & Politics

+1 y

If you could have a conversation with any historical figure, who would it be?

Wow! Great question. It would probably be king Arthur, Tutankamun, Cleopatra, Merlin (He existed), Aristotle and Alexander the Great Other

+1 y

How you guys feel when some girl remembers your birthday?

I feel happy and thankful that someone remembers it. Dating

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