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+1 y

What is your favourite type of Fruit?

Green apples Other

+1 y

Have you had crush on transgender?

Sure have but she wasn't interested in being poly which I completely understood. I'm 100% supportive of the community. Relationships

+1 y

Is it wrong of me to wanna?

Nobody can define you except you. You can be a feminine cis guy. You can be a masculine cis woman. Just do what feels right for you and if you are gender fluid that's cool too. You will have... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

What is a hard life lesson, and how did you learn it?

Things are not always going to be as hard or as easy as they are now. Right when you think something is just how things are going to be, things can change on a dime. Learned that lesson both... Other

+1 y

People only want freespeech to promote discrimination and ultimately the extermination of minorities, true?

I think that a lot of those who claim free speech better understand what it means. It doesn't mean this app or any social media site needs to listen to every brain fart that comes to their head.... Society & Politics

+1 y

Girls, Di you approve of this conduct?

Its cake... I think they'll live. But if you must have answer, the way we always do it is youngest to oldest regardless of who's birthday it is. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Parents of GaG, how many children do you have and how many do you want?

We have 2, 1 boy (9) and 1 girl (7). We always said we didn't want more than 2 because we "didn't want the inmates to outnumber the guards in the asylum". We just happened to be lucky with... Family & Friends

+1 y

Would you date me or would you pass?

I mean you opened this to both men and woman so ill assume I can answer. I married a more masculine than feminine type woman so thats my preference. Besides age differences my other big... Dating

+1 y

How Do You Feel About A Company Marketing to Your Race, Religion, Gender, or Sexual Orientation?

Oh it drives me up the wall. I dont want a special month to celebrate pride by buying a rainbow themed item. Its just people who don't care about the movement trying to profit from it. I hate that... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Girls, what is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you at the seaside on holiday?

If I'm understanding the question correctly, the worst/most embarrassing thing that happened to me at the beach was the time I decided to wear shorts over my suit and a jellyfish got caught in... Other

+1 y

What are your political stances and why?

Political centrist who just likes ideas from both sides. I believe in lgbt rights I want better background checks on guns but believe in people's rights to own them. (Even if guns... Society & Politics

+1 y

If your partner hunts, not for sport but for food, is that a turn on or a turn off?

As long as she doesn't aks me to join her its fine. I'm indifferent to it. I'll help cook it once I learn how to use a particular type of meat well. Dating

+1 y

What is your secret cure for the hiccups?

Echoing the spoonful of sugar being the go to cure for me. It has always worked for me and is much more pleasant than holding your breath forever lol Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do you get along with you partner's parents?

I haven't seen her bio dad in like 9 years and she didn't have a relationship with her mother since she was 16 so I never really had to deal with them. Her former step-dad (and the guy who... Relationships

+1 y

Why will people admit that women don't like short men, but won't acknowledge that men don't like tall women?

I'm sure that some care, but in guys defense, I think height on girls is less of a focus than it is a concern for their own heights. I tend to see complaints more from guys about how they think... Dating

+1 y

Do you believe phones should be only yours and private? I have some things yes but if your partner went on your phone with your permission?

I have 0 problem if my partner wants to go through my phone. I dont hide things from her anyway. I just feel if you can't even share that kind of silly thing then do you REALLY trust your partner?... Relationships

+1 y

Favourite soundtracks from movies or games?

Aerith's theme from Final Fantasy 7 Like basically the whole Nier soundtrack Several songs from the Silent Hill series/movies I love Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones too which was... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Is this Cute and adorable to you?

It is my belief that respect is earned and not given and that goes even if you are someone's parent. You don't just automatically get 100 respect just because you gave birth to someone. That is... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you have a nickname for your partner? If so what is it?

This is gonna sound bad... Her nicknames are: Bitch (she practically prides herself on this one) Angry little oompa loompa Relationships

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