Is this Cute and adorable to you?


Okay let me start by saying
The internet has brought people together from all cultural backgrounds.
in my country where I'm from Children (girl or boy) respect and honour their parents. And this behaviour would not be allowed in my culture.
With that said , I have seen mother's encouraging children to challenge the father's, and I have seen clips with captions saying " daughter scolds dad in store" "adorable girl puts dad on. His place" "adorable dad and daughter arguing over nothing"
Whoa, in my culture her mother, yes that's right , I said her "mother" would say "Enough!!" Stop it, NOW!!" so is the s common on western culture? Because I. My culture it would not be allowed.
American mother's encourage daughters to disrepect the dad
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Is this Cute and adorable to you?
6 Opinion