Polls: Society & Politics
Should the woman who started the FB rumor about Haitians eating dogs & cats be punished somehow? Should she receive 24-hour police security?
The Daily News, certainly not a liberal outlet, posted this: www.nydailynews.com/.../ Sky News, owned by the Murdoch family, is also a conservative outlet:...
Are sanctuary cities like NYC getting out of control?
The US and UK population is in decline due to aging population, birth rates, and economic factors. Is illegal migration the answer?
Keep in mind Japan is worse off with their declining population but they refuse to fix it with illegal migration.
Should men and women be the same?
Society over time has been pushing that men/women should be the same. I find it pretty gay. The same as in equal splits of housework/cooking/chores. I like the way it used to be, when men and women had their roles...
What USA state is more likely to separate?
Which one of these American states is more likely to go independent?
Will Kamala Harris defund the police?
I think she will - she wants open borders and no law and order!
What would you call someone who holds these beliefs?
The US should bring all troops home from war zones: Iraq and Syria. The US should not give or sell weapons to autocratic countries. The US should end the war on drugs. The US should make it easier to come here legally and...
Is this proof of Trump's mental decline?
https://twitter.com/SergeantAqGo/status/1834667115405885760?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw by the way, Trump never travelled to Austria.