Men who complain about a harder life than women's -do you not enjoy the thrill when heroically saving women from danger? Isn't it cool being stronger?

My question isn't about the political side, where I do not agree about the existence of an imaginary wage gap. If we do difficult and dangerous work we should be paid with whatever it's worth.

I'm talking about how women just scream when they see spiders or mice, and society expects us to pluck them away and create a safe space. It might seem unfair that we deliberately have to risk our lives while the women are the ones stumbling upon the danger. But doesn't it create a satisfactory feeling of heroism?

I think male saving females heroically is cool
I do not agree with this gender gap
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Men who complain about a harder life than women's -do you not enjoy the thrill when heroically saving women from danger? Isn't it cool being stronger?
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