But seriously, what do you all mean by protection? Do you all want me to beat a guy up? Then go to jail. And have a record. Or even worse, what if I kill someone? What is this protection thing?
I am an African American male who has never been to jail and has never even been in the back of a police car. It may not seem like much to you all. But it is a monumental task in the black community and especially my neighborhood considering all 3 of my closest friends have been to jail at least once in their lives.
Furthermore, I am studying for the GMAT as I write these things. I plan on starting a dual degree (MBA/MPA) next year. I am not saying that I am going to be super-wealthy or anything. But, I do believe that I am going to be able to provide for my wife and family if I am fortunate enough to have one. That is how I plan on protecting my family. I'll leave the shootings and the beatings up to the law enforcement agencies. And no, I am not a nerd or geek. I could "only wish" to be those things. I am normal guy. No one has ever accused me of being a 4-eyed nerd. I like business, sports, and politics. Since sports are out of d realm of possibility, I will pursue business & politics.
Now, if you all like tall men because you think they look better,I am ok with that. As I have previously stated on this website, I love taller women myself. 5'7 & up are d best. I love Victoria's Secret & Sports Illustrated models. I think they are beautiful. However, I don't completely rule out shorter women. They are just not what I prefer.
Now, for you short guys who complain about women wanting taller guys, you all need to clear your throat, grab your sack, stick your chest out, and realize you are a f**king man. I live in Atlanta, and I see short guys with models all the time. It doesn't matter if he is white or black or if the girl is white or black. I see it all. However, you may have 2 work a little harder. You may have 2b funnier, cooler, & friendlier. You may have 2 make more money. Maybe you have 2 dress better. Whatever it may be, you need 2 figure it out. But you can get women.
Most of you just want 2 sit around & make excuses & blame it on being short. Maybe your teeth are jacked up. Maybe your breath is bad. Maybe your clothing is off a little bit. Maybe you had bad hair, or you were overweight. Quit automatically jumping 2 she dislikes you because of your height. You may have a number of flaws that you can fix that don't involve height. I could wish 2be Derek Jeter, Kobe, or Prince William. It is not happening.
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