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+1 y

When you meet a goth, do you assume they have a mental illness?

Nope, it’s just what their into. It’s not what I personally find attractive but that’s no reason to look down upon or judge them. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

When did body shaming skinny women by other women become OK?

I think it’s mostly jealousy. Thin girls are more attractive than thick/curvy/ whatever ones in my opinion. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Anyone know a medical job recruitment agency?

I would just apply to the hospital directly. Just make sure that your degree is recognized in the country you decide to go to. Education & Career

+1 y

Are there any medical/science books I can buy that have detailed information about topics such as urology, neurology, gynecology, and pathology?

You might wanna start with human anatomy and physiology and pathology. The specific subjects are gonna be really hard to understand without a base to build upon. Education & Career

+1 y

How do people in the medical field study? Do they use textbooks? And if they use textbooks, specifically, what textbooks do they use?

I’m a med student. Where I’m from, we try to use textbooks written by the doctors and professors that teach us. If they happen to not have written a textbook, we tend to use those written by... Education & Career

+1 y

Do You Believe In Guardian Angels?

Nope. I’m atheist, which makes it hard to believe in such things. It would be pretty cool though. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Which is better...A beard or clean shaven?

I like beards in general, but they have to guy. Both David Beckham and Christian Bale look better without it. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Where is the best place to live in Europe?

Berlin. It’s in Germany, which is a good country to be in in general, and it’s also super international. Also there’s a ton of stuff to do, I feel like you can never be bored there. Travel

+1 y

What are your plans for this summer?

Two internships, one abroad and one in my uni town. Then I gotta retake some exams in August and hopefully I’ll have enough time and money to travel somewhere before the next semester starts. Travel

+1 y

Whats your top 10 favourite tv shows? Past or Present?

They’re not in order, and my “top 10” changes quite often, but here’s the current list: The Handmaid’s Tale, Prison Break, Game of Thrones, The Umbrella Academy, How To Get Away With Murder,... Technology & Internet

+1 y

Why do guys do this stupid "bald with a beard" thing?

I think bald with a beard actually looks quite good. It’s all up to personal preference, why does it matter to you what strangers do with their facial hair? Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Lads, what colour iphone would ye think looks better (iyo) with a girl?

I think it really doesn’t matter, just choose the one that you personally like. I myself have the rose gold one. Technology & Internet

+1 y

Is Barbara Palvin a little big to be a Victoria’s Secret model?

I don’t think she’s average at all. She doesn’t look like she’s gonna die from malnutrition, like many models nowadays, but she’s still thin and very good looking. If you have a body like her good... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Would you give up your seat for a woman?

I don’t think men should give women their seats unless they’re old, disabled or pregnant. Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you prefer your milk warm or cold?

I like hot milk with honey and cinnamon. Sooo good. Food & Beverage

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