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+1 y

Why are women's rights ignored when it comes to Muslim women?

You are now my best friend because you called Niqabs "Ninja Masks" Society & Politics

+1 y

Why are there SOOO many UGLY guys in this world?

It's funny because there are so many ugly guys who find themselves attractive nowadays Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Will my baby be okay if I got hit in the bump?

You should get checked to be sure Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do you like that more women stop shaving their armpits?

Not really, I think it's kind of gross and unhygienic. I ever think it's gross when a guy has too much hair there, never mind a girl. Relationships

+1 y

Why do white people claim non-white inventions as their own?

Theory of Gravity - Albert Einstein Light Bulb - Thomas Edison Telescope - Hans Lippershey Car - Karl Benz Planes - The Wright Brothers Computer - Charles Babbage Penicillin -... Society & Politics

+1 y

Girls, Your boyfriend/future boyfriend is 5'8 how would you feel about his height?

I'm 5'7 and wouldn't mind at all, it's actually preferred, overly tall sucks to me Dating

+1 y

Would you date someone with a rough past?

It depends on how they handle it Dating

+1 y

Why does everybody hate the sign Scorpio?

As a Scorpio myself I've noticed it too, but I can't say I disagree with most of it. Scorpios are the most powerful sign in the zodiac, we're leaders and we run shit, I think that's fucking... Other

+1 y

How do I stop guys from staring at my butt in the gym?

That is a total fucking weirdo. Just ignore these people or better yet tell them off. Don't be afraid to slap a motherfucker if he's making you feel uncomfortable. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Girls, Would any of you kick me in the nuts really hard for $20?

Why does this guy fetish getting kicked in the nuts so bad? Other

+1 y

How to refuse to send nudes?

Say no ---------- Dating

+1 y

Does anyone know how to hack an instagram account?

I'd like to know this too because someone has the username I want but hasn't used their account in like three years, it's annoying as hell lol Other

+1 y

Why are girls obsessed with pulling duck faces in pictures?

It's proven that guys are most attracted to girls who smile often, why the fuck would a guy be attracted to a duck? Girl's Behavior

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