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+1 y

Instagram E-girls have accounts deleted after mass reports, thoughts?

I'm sure she can reap in cash from people who have a crying fetish. Trending & News

+1 y

What do you think about the concept of inadmissible evidence?

Question. Are there cases when certain evidence was illegally obtained, therefore considered inadmissible? Education & Career

+1 y

What Pringles flavour do you like the most?

Pizza and original are the only ones I can tolerate. And by stomach I mean finish 3 cans and cry. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Are hot women more likely to be self-centered?

People who are given less reasons to hate themselves are usually less humble. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Have you ever taken a Women’s Studies class?

I feel that taking a class about it doesn't exactly make me open minded, it just becomes a confirmation bias class sometimes. Education & Career

+1 y

Relationship: How Much Arguing Is Too Much?

I am a negative person, but I will never walk away from an argument hating a person unless they say something about my family. Relationships

+1 y

Should I get a sugar daddy once I'm 18?

Eh, if you don't like independence, whatever floats your scroat. Trending & News

+1 y

Do you think eyebrow slits look good or weird?

Eyebrow slits are only attractive if they're natural, otherwise it's just poser culture. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

What was your first experience trolling online?

Trolling is fun when it's juvenile. Because at the end of the day if the person you're trolling actually takes you seriously, that just shows how dumb they are. Because even if people think you're... Technology & Internet

+1 y

Girls: If you got pregnant in high school, would you have the baby?

I honestly don't know what I would do because I can't imagine myself in that situation. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Captain Marvel: Hate it or love it?

I enjoyed it, I'm very picky so I don't think it was exceptional. I have two friends that I disagree with on this film, on of them thinks it's perfect, the other thinks it's the worst marvel movie. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

How important is your profile picture to you?

It's just my face, so not very important. Technology & Internet

+1 y

Is falling in love REAL or simply a chemical reaction in the BRAIN?

All of our thoughts and decisions are a chemical reaction, especially since sexual dimorphism in our species both hinders and increases emotional connection. It's a combination of emotional... Dating

+1 y

Do you believe she has the most ‘scientifically beautiful’ face?

Why do you feel the need to compare yourself to some case study girl. Do you know why you don't get half as much recognition? Because you assume anybody gets recognized for being... Fashion & Beauty

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