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+1 y

Have you stolen someone’s SO before?

When the action of someone leaving you for someone else occurs... interpretting that situation as having your SO "stolen" from you is the first problem. Other

+1 y

Is GAGs April fools joke Transphobic, sexist &homophobic?

Yeah they stuck a dirty syringe into me and turned me into Whoaboy. Trending & News

+1 y

When was the last time you went to the beach?

It makes me feel like I'm about to be accused of stalking and misogyny. Travel

+1 y

How many men does it take to change a light bulb?

6, one to change the light bulb, and the other five to laugh at this hilariously joke. Trolling

+1 y

Why am I all of a sudden BLUE?

Because if you worked on this hellhole of a site you would try to make things fun for a day as well G@G Fools Day

+1 y

Do all guys fancy their female friends?

I've heard this is true for many guys, but I personally can't relate. Many of them seem to be trying to explore their options, but I don't really relate to that. I'm a very closed off kind of... Relationships

+1 y

How would God look like?

If I was God I wouldn't even keep my genitalia make it female, I'd make it into something funny looking. Like a Pegina, or a Vanis. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Did you or anyone you know fall down the Anti-SJW rabbit hole?

Plenty. It's a product of validation that coincides with conditioned confirmation bias. People believe that there are double standards because they are told so, people start isolating... Society & Politics

+1 y

My youngest sister is so much taller than me!! I'm 5-5 and my youngest sister is 6-0!! anybody have siblings way different height to you?

Lol my younger brother is 5'11 and I'm 5'7. I may be slightly taller than my older sibling, but I still don't find value in seeing anyone as superior. My mother is 5'1 and my dad is 5'11. It's... Family & Friends

+1 y

Answer anonymously (brexit yes or no)?

I mean if they like inflation... Trending & News

+1 y

What music artist do you think is overrated?

Cardi B was a guilty pleasure of mine because her back tracks were very well composed. She was a horrible rapper though, and it eventually got me to stop listening to her. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Why isn't the men's rights movement popular among men?

Whenever I hear about men's rights activists, I often think about the type of person who needs to be one. I think men have a choice, and should be able to express it... But women have only... Society & Politics

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