Why Justin Bieber is Awesome and the greatest Canadian who ever lived.

On the 5th April 1994 legendary musician and singer Kurt Cobain died, fans around the globe were devastated but luckily one month before...
39 65

Two Albums That Really Impacted Me

There have been a lot of CDs (yes, I listen to music on CDs, fucking fight me) that have greatly impacted me in some way. In this...
4 7

Metallica: A Musical Analysis

Metallica is one of the most successful and influential rock/metal bands, they're legacy remains undisputed, originally playing new wave...
5 7

The Spirit of Halloween: A Trick and A Treat!

The fog rolls in and the street light is barely visible through the thick mist. Only the sound of your shoes tapping against the...
20 21

October 2001: Halloween from a 10 year old's perspective.

It was October 2001. Us kids as well as the rest of the country were still shaken by the 9/11 attacks that had happened not yet two...
4 10

5 Songs that Give Me Hope in People

Here are 5 songs that make me want to believe in humanity a little bit more 1. Where Is The Love?- The Black Eyed Peas (2003)...
8 8

Harsh Rock and Metal Can Be Romantic

Hello مرحبا Today's take is a list of songs , from big rock and metal bands that are romantic and nice for you to enjoy in the rain of...
11 21

What is Your Top 3 Waifus in Animes?

I know it is hard to choose but u must choose 🌚 .. mine is :- 1- Krulcifer (saijaku muhai no bahamut) 2- Chitoge (Nisekoi) 3- Zero Two...

Girls, Why is it sad in a movie when a random woman, cat, or dog dies but not when a guy dies?

The expendable henchman and soldiers always seem to be guys getting killed gruesome ways.

Rap vs Rock? Which is better?

Just wanna see what’s more liked. I say rock.
4 4

What do you think of my drawing?

Hey, so I got challenged by a fellow G@G User to draw his car. First picture is his car (obviously) and the followings are my...
12 31

Which Guitar solo is better? and Why?

V1 https://soundcloud.com/andrew-fernandes-609144422/so-far-away-v1-solo1 V2...
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