Two Albums That Really Impacted Me


sorry I accidentally put a caption here aaahh wtf is my lifeeeee

There have been a lot of CDs (yes, I listen to music on CDs, fucking fight me) that have greatly impacted me in some way. In this MyTake, I will tell you which ones and how they impacted me.

1. Golden Age of Grotesque

Two Albums That Really Impacted Me

Honestly, just thinking about this album brings tears to my eyes. Marilyn Manson's Golden Age of Grotesque opened my mind to a whole new way of thinking, as well as giving me the crush on Manson that I'm so infamous for today. Until recently, I hadn't listened to this album since I was a babybat (new goth), but it definitely still has that magical effect on me.

Some lyrics from it I enjoyed: "The toys are us and we don't even know." "I am the church, you are the steeple, when we fuck we're all God's people." "Since God thinks I don't exist, the beatings have been permanent."

How it influenced me: helped me get through breakup, introduced me to goth culture and Marilyn Manson

2. The Downward Spiral

Two Albums That Really Impacted Me

Ah yes, babybat me decided to rummage around in the used CD store for more cool music and found this. She sat herself down on her beanbag chair in her white nightgown, took off her glasses, closed her eyes, and it began...

Some lyrics from it I enjoyed: "Your God is dead and no one cares. If there is a Hell, I'll see you there." "What have I become? My sweetest friend... Everyone I know... goes away in the end."

How it influenced me: got me even deeper into goth culture, questioned my belief in God and christianity


~ Mrs Manson

Two Albums That Really Impacted Me
11 Opinion