Do men like women singing and dancing?

The reason why I'm asking this question is because I wanted to know do men like women singing and dancing and please no inappropriate...

Is there anyone who understands plants?

Last November as a present I had monstera. she gave a new leaf lately but it turned black so suddenly and the new leaf dried and died....

If you could be a superhero, which powers would you prefer and what would your superhero name be?

If you could be a superhero, which powers would you prefer and what would your superhero name be?

Aside from gaming chairs, office chairs, recliners, and couches, whats the most comfy setup you have seen or used for gaming?

I'm trying to discover unconventional seating/lounging options, I already have the things I listed above.

Has anyone had an indoor garden?

We just ordered one. Any thoughts or experience?

What do you like to do on your day off?

I usually am off somewhere and later this evening, but I feel like all I want to do today is just catnap in bed Zzzzz Don't mind my...

Shall I get a cat?

I’m a huge cat lover but when it comes to owning one I’m not sure because of a few things: Expenses -as it will just be me looking after...
3 3

Are you an outgoing person? Or you prefer to be at home👀?

I'm not.. i always preffered to be home.. never been to a club in my life😅..
12 19

What kind of vacation do you enjoy more? A local vacation or a travel vacation?

I really enjoy both I like the local vacation because there's not a lot of time wasted on travel but it's limited to whatever is local....
5 16

Is playing video games a waste of time?

35% of those who play games (and 53% of self-described gamers) do not think most video games are a waste of time. Men who play games are...
18 33

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