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+1 y

What's your opinion of Belle Delphine?

While I think she’s pretty (albeit she uses A LOT of makeup, so she may look a lot different than the photos), her whole image/brand weirds me out. The bath water, the octopus— It seems more so... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

I want to do a metal song but I scared I will too loud for my neighbors?

You can record, mix, and master a full metal song for free, and I'd argue that (if you have the right knowledge) you can make it professional sounding too. I'd even argue you can do it quietly.... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

I need music help?

Let me see if I understand correctly... So I’m assuming by 1+2+3+4, you mean something akin to “1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and.” Something to note about this, however, is that the numbers are only... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Tips to play meshuggah songs?

I suppose Bleed's pattern is the same for both drums and guitar. I personally find the best way is to break it up into the quadruplet patterns, aka the xxx-x hits. Then, you can practice... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Metal listeners, what are your favorite bands?

My favorite band at the moment is probably Kadinja. Super tasty riffs, and it’s actually really fresh hearing a band that doesn’t feature a high pitched clean singer but rather a mid range one.... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Mistakes you've made while restringing a floating Floyd Rose guitar?

I suppose the first thing would be to give yourself lots of time, because it's going to take awhile lol. Typically, I recommend watching a video or two for the first time so you can get as much of... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Guitar players, how often do you lose a pick?

My strategy has been to buy so many picks to where I keep losing them, but I also keep finding old ones, so it balances out haha. It also helps getting bright colored picks! I used to lose... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Any one here play guitar specifically electric and around 15 I just wanna know how special I am?

I play guitar amongst some other instruments. For electric guitar, I've been playing for about 5-6 years now. It's a lot of fun! I don't quite know what one considers to be "good" at playing, but... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Do you like the song "Time After Time"? If so, which version is your favorite?

YES! It’s one of my top, if not my top “80s song.” The original is my favorite, but I also like the more modern version by The March Ahead. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

What is your favourite Avenged Sevenfold song?

Honestly, anything of Waking The Fallen is pretty top-tier stuff. My favorite from A7X is probably MIA though. It has everything I like from them all in one package— sick harmonies, a groovy... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Which is a better band?

I’m going to go with Depeche mode. Enjoy The Silence is a great song that still sounds great today. It even has the reinterpreted version (created by Mike Shinoda of... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

What do you think of this song I made?

To be completely honest, I'm not a fan of it. There is potential though that you can work at! More specifically... -- I think the mixing itself is alright but not great. It feels like a flat... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Is there a song that has made you cry? Why?

Honestly, no. Whenever I am really getting into a song, I just get a sort of stank face where it's kind of like a "hell yeah" feeling. I'm not super emotional when it comes to sad things, but I... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

How many of you gaggers are playing Xiang Qi, Go (Wei Qi) and Shogi?

Although I play a lot of chess, I’ve hardly played any shogi/go. I’m interested in them, however—It’s something I want to work on/learn better but never got around to. I’ve never played Xiang Qi... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

What do you guys think about Ashnikko?

I hadn’t heard of her before so I did a quick YouTube search and listened to her song “Hi, It’s Me.” Overall, it wasn’t my cup of tea. I can’t really say specifically anything against her... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

I need music recomendations?

I can try and give music suggestions/recommendations. However, it would greatly help first if I knew what styles/genres you are into (and/or hate). Like can you name your favorite band, that would... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Do you think I suck at guitar or am I alright?

Ooh sweet, metal! Hell yeah \m/ (Note: I think I’m decent at guitar, but I’m certainly no guitar god so take my words with a grain of salt..) I don’t think it was bad, but it could be... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Slipknot fans what do you think about the new album?

Listened to the album straight through twice yesterday to let it sink in. It was alright in my opinion. I wasn't blown away, but I wasn't absolutely disappointed like I was when BFMV dropped... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Do You Like Black Metal?

Black metal is something that I could never get into. Live, I can dig it just for the intensity, but I don't really enjoy it. Heaviest I'll really go is djent like Meshuggah (although they're not... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Hey everyone how was your day? how you feeling today?

Pretty solid day today. Can’t complain in any case. In free time today, I felt inspired and wrote a new song that I’m overall decently happy with. I’m super bias towards my own music, so the... Entertainment & Arts

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