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+1 y

What is your opinion on box braids? Specifically for girls?

Sometimes looks amazing, sometimes it looks terrible. The 1st and the last pic really work well, the middle two just don't. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Why are skirts associated with femininity and women?

Hahaha Because mostly only women wear skirts in the western world nowadays. A loooong time ago - everyone wore skirts because they're simply easier to make... but since the tailoring evolved and... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do you think thin lips are unattractive on a woman?

Depends on the woman. Mostly - yes... they're unattractive. She (woman from Sherlock in your pic) can carry it out - especially when she wears red lipstick or plum colored one... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

How do women feel about men wearing leggings in public?

It's great if you feel comfortable in that. I'd assume that guy was gay because not only does he wear leggings, but also ugg boots... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Should guys shave their armpit hair?

Whatever feels best for you. To me it still makes sense everyone shaves their armpit hair... Just for hygiene reasons. But if you feel better not doing it, that's fine too.. you'll just get smelly... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do you think the royal wedding between Harry and Megan is a conspiracy?

Doesn't look like it to me... But then again anything is possible. He was very genuine during the wedding - literally cried but pretended he didn't. I trust he has real feelings there. For her... Trending & News

+1 y

What fashion trend would you like to come back?

60's hippie and bell bottoms. (I'm talking about everyday life - not coachella crap.) I mean I already wear what I want... but if those huge bell bottoms would come back... that'd be awesome. =) Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Thoughts on masculine jaws on girls?

It's not masculine... it's just a square jawline. It's just more desirable in men than in women. But I honestly love it on some women - some women can definitely pull it off.... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do you like it when girls wear seethrough clothes?

Depends on the clothing, but mostly it doesn't look classy. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Are these yoga pants too tight to wear out in public?

I thought the same thing as SirRexington... So if you're not gay... you'll have trouble attracting the majority of women... but maybe being yourself totally will attract the actual right one for... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Sneakers under a dress, yes or no?

In those examples - except the first one - yes. Converse, though, looks best and least clash with dresses... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Smallville Fans, What do you think of Allison Mack's arrest for Sex Trafficking?

Not expected... but hey, things happen... And as much as we think we might know someone based on the character they play - we DON'T. Trending & News

+1 y

When does it start being too revealing?

Depends on your body structure, breast size... It's subjective. A very flat, skinny girl can get away with just about any kind of cleavage. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Ladies (and I guess men too), would y'all date someone who wears makeup? Any gay/bi people here?

Only concealer... for obvious reasons. I'm not into feminine men. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Would you agree that Italian and Italian-American women are one the sexiest/most beautiful women in the world?

Not really, no... But I'm sure we all just have different tastes, and that's okay. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

What's your thoughts on girls who have bangs (fringe)?

C - hit it on the nose. Definitely depends on the face and the overall look. I love the first pic you put there - she definitely looks amazing, and a little more interesting, with a fringe.... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do you think Moroccan women are pretty?

Some are, some aren't... they're just women... like anywhere in the world. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Thoughts on Trump's boarder wall and do walls work historically?

Of course they worked historically... but we actually have planes and boats now... so... Trending & News

+1 y

Which height is best for man and women?

Men 190cm... Women 175cm... The best - so please, people coming to my opinion telling me I'm wrong and am discriminating against short people... get a hold of yourselves. Just because this... Fashion & Beauty

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