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10 mo

Do women like it when their man orders for them at a restaurant?

Hell no. I’ll make my own choice, thank you. Relationships

10 mo

Girls, How do I deal with being separated from my girlfriend while she is in the mental hospital and what to do for her when she comes home?

I think she will be grateful that you stuck by her side and show that you love her. It’s a good thing she’s getting help. Remember to take care of yourself and apply your coping skills. Relationships

10 mo

Boyfriend of 2 years might not be over his ex?

I don’t think he harbors any romantic feelings towards her at all; only understandable anger. I would say it’s normal but he does need to eventually find peace with the situation. Relationships

10 mo

Elon Musk vs. Mark Zuckerberg cage match. Who you got? Why?

Musk is way taller and heavier, if Google is to be believed. I think Zuckerberg is a twink in comparison. Entertainment & Arts

10 mo

If your partner gifted you something you didn't really like or not interested in unknowingly how would you react?

It’s a new relationship so I give them the benefit of the doubt. But I really would say it’s not necessary to give me a gift for no reason. Relationships

10 mo

Which of these 2023 Corvette Z06's I configurated is your favorite?

I like the deep, luscious color of the coffee one. Looks high-end. But I’m going with the black with red rims. Edgy and timeless in a way. The top two are too generic for me. Entertainment & Arts

10 mo

Why is there a growing number of people who like Vikings?

I have noticed this too. I also have noticed an increase in Viking TV shows. I think Viking shows provide good entertainment because they pursue exciting adventures and are a tough people. Maybe... Entertainment & Arts

10 mo

Why do you think most exes send a selfie of their new hairstyle or new outfit randomly?

I would think it’s a bit strange because most people who break up tend to keep their distance. I feel that they may be trying to gauge a reaction, like hope that you want them back. Relationships

10 mo

Has a movie you loved at one point and just watched years later stood the test of time?

I would say Twilight, but now I enjoy it ironically whereas in middle school, it was non-ironic. Entertainment & Arts

10 mo

Which town is for you?

I’m going with El Paso because the culture sounds interesting, it being right by Mexico and all. It would be good for learning more Spanish. I have heard that that part of Texas really requires... Entertainment & Arts

10 mo

What should I read next?

You won’t regret The Hobbit! Entertainment & Arts

10 mo

What is the worst way to die?

This is a hard one to answer because a dozen different ideas are floating through my mind. But at intuition level, having to go with being burnt alive or any other death which leads to long and... Trending & News

10 mo

Does anyone else feel the submersible memes go a little too far?

I definitely agree. I think it’s honestly sickening that people are showing such inhumanity because the victims were wealthy. It doesn’t take away from the fact that it was a tragedy I wouldn’t... Trending & News

10 mo

Girls, What kind of music do you like?

Depends on the day. As of late, I’m getting into blues like Alabama Shakes, Hozier, and Chris Stapleton. I like 90s rock/alternative like Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, Chris Cornell,... Entertainment & Arts

10 mo

Girls, Do you find comedic shows like jackass or America’s funniest home videos funny or is it more of a male humour thing?

They can be funny but they’re also kind of worn out comedy styles. I wouldn’t watch this type of comedy exclusively. Entertainment & Arts

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