Search Results: Guys do you find tall muscular women sexy

Guys, do you find tall muscular women sexy?

Personaly I like tall muscular women over 5'9" with large feet over 10 size (for women),and a strong personality too. I find feminine women dull and unattractive somehow. I wish I'd marry a woman of this kind,but...
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Number One Thing That All Women Crave In A Man: Masculinity

Women don't find many men attractive anymore because most men become too nice, submissive, timid and weak. Men became like women. Men became insecure, needy and weak. But what women find sexy, what women really crave is...

Why Tall Girls Should Feel Confident About Their Height

Hello! 🙈 So first, I'm only 5ft so definitely not tall, but I wanted to make this for taller girls because I see a lot of short girls bashing taller women in order to make themselves more confident, and it actually does...

How Trying to Understand Women's Feelings About Men Made Me Angry and Anxious

This is my second myTake and before I type what I have to say, let me ask you to keep your opinions civilized, don't be rude and don't troll please. If you plan on insulting me, don't bother sharing your opinion. No I am...

Women are visual but not exactly like men

Men are 100% visually stimulated and they desire a woman almost in seconds, instantly if she is attractive enough. Men don’t need to know a woman that much in order to desire her. When men walk down the street they can...

I made a list of everything I want in a partner, and you should too!

So I stumbled across a video done by Glamour where they had a woman fill in the blanks for all the things she wants in a man, and then they'd find her the 'perfect' guy based on that list and set them up on a date....