Search Results: Which personality disorder as described in the

Which personality disorder (as described in the DSM) best describes you?

1. Histrionic personality disorder - characterized by a pattern of excessive attention-seeking. These individuals are lively, dramatic, vivacious, enthusiastic, and flirtatious. Associated features may include...
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How Bipolar Disorder has impacted my life: The truth of what it's like to suffer a mental illness!

Well, it's always been hard to talk about how Bipolar Disorder has shaped my life. First off, what is Bipolar Disorder? Mayo Clinic defines it as "a disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive...

Why I sometimes don’t like to identify as part of the chronic illness community

For my entire life, I’ve been dealing with a number of chronic health conditions. At first it started with the common conditions such as asthma and eczema. Then it turned into some lesser known conditions. It’s hard to...

Fat Shaming and Fat Acceptance are Both Wrong and Hiding the REAL Problem with Female Body Image Representation

Disclaimer: I use BMI as the unit of measure as an approximation since approximations are all that is required for me to make my point here. I know BMI is a flawed measurement system, but there isn’t a better quantifiable...

Hereditary: A Raw Experience of What Mental Illness Can Really Do to a Family

The trailer would have you believe this is a true horror movie, one which is comparable to the Exorcist. I am here to tell you it certainly is a horror movie, but not for the supernatural elements (a point I'll touch on...

If you struggle with anxiety... this is the only thing you'll ever have to read again

As the title states, if you struggle with anxiety, in any form, that being OCD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Attacks, PTSD, anything... this MyTake article is the only thing you will ever have to read again in...

Online Dating: It's Not That Serious

So I wrote a question concerning this topic earlier, now I figured it would be more suitable as a Take. Dating can be fun and exciting, however this new age dating has become more of a game, people come off sites with...
Home Chats

Alfred Adler [Humanistic] Theory: We All Have One Basic Desire and Goal: To Belong and Feel Significant

So I stumbled across a reference to Alfred Adler today. I decided to do some research. I think I like this fellow. He's my kind of guy. He's a humanist. I think I'm a humanist. Not in any sort of formal or organized way...

Agoraphobia, Mental Illness and Life, OH MY Reality is merely Perception I was sitting here in my studio the other day and decided that I needed to take a break and rejoin society for a minute. Yeah if you knew me that...

November 3rd, 2022: Ten Full Years Now Since She Passed Away

You know, I died twice in my life already. The first time was when I was 18, and I learned I would never actually physically grow up. I never got my long awaited growth spurt. I never moved an inch beyond the midget,...

Tips to Improve Your Relationship With Your Pet!

***Apologies if this is in the wrong category, somehow GAG is not allowing me to post it in the category of my choosing, hopefully an admin or mod can correct this issue.*** The following are some notes I took while...

The importance of safe spaces and loving environments.

I hope that for most of you, this Take sounds stupid and like common sense. But I know that for some of you, this will come as a surprise. We all need a place where we can feel fully comfortable, and fully comfortable to...

Combination of ADHD and Autism.(Part 3)

In the first 2 parts.I talked about the ADHD side of my disorder.Now I shall talk about my autistic side.Though since you can only post 3 mytakes within 24hrs.I will only be able to post this one.Then if I end up needing...

Living With Epilepsy, or "Am I a Goddamn Werewolf"?

If you came here for a happy MyTake, this isn't one. For the past twelve-ish years I've suffered from audiogenic epilepsy with generalized properties of the left temporal lobe. Pleasure to meet you, Compo! *quiet...

Blowing Off Steam, Reflecting on GAG Feedback, and Thinking About Life

So, this is my post-reflection from the feedback I got from GirlsAskGuys users. What would you say I need to work on or improve about myself and personality? I appreciate most of the answers. It's 2am and I'm...