Search Results: Would you let your girlfriend wear your hoodie

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Guys: Do you like giving your girlfriend your hoodie? Girls: Do you like wearing your boyfriend's hoodie when he gives it to you?

Here's the story of what this is all about: I love it when my boyfriend lets me "borrow" his hoodie for a weekend. Him & I live 45 minutes away & I barely get to see him. When he gives me his hoodie, I instantly fall in...
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Would you let your boyfriend control what you wear?

Okay so I have a Facebook and we have group yard sale pages for my area and I was selling some clothes. One of the things I was selling was a cropped hoodie and a girl messaged me and it happened to be my ex’s new...
Okay so I have a Facebook and we have group yard sale pages for my area and I was selling some clothes. One of the things I was selling was a cropped hoodie and a girl messaged me and Show More
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Ladies and gentlemen, THIS is why you're single!

The most common question I see on here is 'I'm (insert age) and have never had a girlfriend/boyfriend. Why not?'. Now, I think I have some pretty good insights into this, that I've decided to share. Please note, these...

15 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers

This Britoku parody of Power Rangers somehow lasted for ten years on-and-off, though it had trouble maintaining an audience due to how long it took to get episodes released. According to the creators, their delays are...

What It Feels Like To Be An Ugly Girl

I've noticed that there have been a lot of posts lately about the problems that attractive girls and/or handsome guys face, so I felt the need to make one about ugly girl problems. We live in a lookist society so...

Signs You're Not Ready For A Relationship!

L O V E. I love romance. I love feeling loved and loving someone. I just love the feeling of being in love. Walking hand in hand, forehead kisses, warm embrace, sweet nothings, handwritten love letters, heart emojis,...

Body language: The experience and actions when a guy is using a girl and not interested in her

Hello everyone, in this MyTake I’ll be sharing with you from my experience of going through of guys using and not fully interested in me. Just by how their body language and actions acted around/towards me. Also,...