Is knowing psychology dangerous for other people?

the amount of knowledge you get from human behavior from psychology, seems a dangerous, like in terms that it can be used to manipulate.

How can I get rid of ignorance?

I don't know anything about many things. How can I be as knowledgeable as someone with an average level of culture?

Whats the point of asking a question about calling out racism only to somehow delete a answer that calls outracism Clarence Thomas faced?

I sees a question about calling out racism I give a answer using racism against Clarence Thomas as an example Around 2 days later my...

Have your knowns converted to Islam especially during this Palestine Israel issue since October?

Two of my friends from uni and one of my colleague have converted to Islam during this short period of time and I am unable to grasp it....

Should I surrender to feminism?

There is no more fight left in me; I have failed. Us men don't stand a chance anymore. Should I just put on a dress and take estrogen...
5 4

What happens when you put good people in an evil place? Does humanity win over evil or does evil triumph?

I just watched the Stanford prison experiment and wondering are they really lost their sense of humanity?
3 14

What do you think about Musk reinstating Trump's Twitter account?

Musk did this after taking a vote among many users of Twitter. I have mixed feelings about this - on the one hand, I absolutely support...
2 10

Are you for or against public gender neutral bathrooms?

Gender neutral meaning men and women and everyone in between can share bathrooms Is it cool if your son or daughter shares bathrooms at...
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Which American state is the most Woke?

I think California or Oregon. What do you think?
3 1

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