

Valentines day and chocolate. What type of chocholate do you prefer? <3

So what type of chocolate do y'all prefer for Valentine's day? Dark, milk, or white, guys especially which do you prefer? Personally I...

Ex boyfriend wants to hang on Valentine's day?

My ex boyfriend has asked me if I want to hang out on Valentine's Day. He broke up with me and has been arranging his new life without...

Should i give my friend's with benefits a valentine's day gift?

Title says it all. We've been hooking up for a while now. We're friends and we hang out sometimes but it's really a hook-up type of...

He doesn't want to lead me on?

For 2 months me and this guy have been flirting a lot at college. He asked me to register for class with him so we could sit together....

Why would she invite me to meet her parents if she's not interested?

I have known this girl for about a year and a half. I took her out a dozen times a year ago - we went to New Year's, Valentine's Day,...

Is it cute or creepy to leave a rose and a Valentine note in a crush's locker?

Okay I know its a bit early to plan for Valentine's day but I as wondering if someone went into your school locker and left a rose and a...

When a guy buys lingerie for his girlfriend, is that really a gift for him?

When a guy buys lingerie for his girlfriend, is that really a gift for him? I was just thinking about it. For me "personally" I just...


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