I know I messed up bad, but do I deserve to be punished like this by her?

I was physically abusive toward my ex girlfriend/woman carrying my child while she was six months pregnant and she left me. I did go too...

What should I do now?

Husband asked for a divorce after a lot of fighting a month ago. Feel like he has built a lot of resentment but anyway has been sleeping...

Am I being superficial?

I have been dating a man 12 years older the me for a year and few months now. In that time he has had little finanical stability, when...

Ex said he left because he felt like he was holding me back?

My ex texted me today, we broke up about a week ago. For context we're both college students and he said he left because my academic...

How to get rid of ex who invested in business?

I own a business in which I allowed my ex to become co owner and be my associate. They invested money into remodeling my business and...

My boyfriends ex is keeping tabs on me?

My boyfriends ex is keeping tabs on me on Instagram by unfollowing me from their main but still following me on their private and they...

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