Husband asked for a divorce after a lot of fighting a month ago. Feel like he has built a lot of resentment but anyway has been sleeping in a separate room for almost a month. He hasn’t filed divorce though. And the other day we got in an argument because he started yelling at me over nothing. And I told him my mom was visiting and he said he didn’t want my mom here in the middle of a divorce and I said “oh so you’ve made your mind up about the divorce” and he screamed I don't know. And then I said you’ve had all this time to think as I have been patient and he said I have had you in my face everyday and haven’t thought. He kept going back and forth with saying he wanted to work on it before and so forth. So what do I do now? Just give up and file divorce? His mom was staying. With us for a while and she finally left yesterday after 3 months. So I don't know if I should give this a week and see if he comes around or if it’s pointless now since he hasn’t come around before then.
** been together 10 years. Married for 4. Baby that’s 16 months. And currently a month pregnant… debating whether I should keep the baby or not.