Boyfriend admitted that he has a criminal record in the past. What should I do now?

He kept it from me for 5 years and suddenly he decided to tell me about his past. I freaked out and cried. He was swearing that i changed him and he is different now and not a bad guy. I told him that i need time alone but he lost his mind when he felt that i might leave him. He said that i don't have the right to disappear from his life or prevent him from his daughter. He asked me to think about our other baby on the way. He told me that he'd do anything to prove that his love to me and his kids changed him. I'm crazy about him and i won't lie about it but what about my kids? Should i believe him? It's been a week now and he didn't call or come to see us, i'm worried about him and confused. God i feel like I'd give birth any minute because of this stress and thinking.
Give him a chance
Just leave him
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Boyfriend admitted that he has a criminal record in the past. What should I do now?
46 Opinion