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+1 y

Do you find Anna Kendrick attractive?

She's very sweet and pretty, she has that innocent look you know. And she has a wonderful charisma. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Is 58kg for a 17 year old girl a lot?

Well, your body mass index is 21.6, which is great, for females it should range from 18 to 23, less is underweight more is overweight, so as for the stats you're good! But if you feel like lose a... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Guys, Do you find chubby cheeks attractive?

Depends on the lips, they should be full and chubby as well, and of course we are talking about superficial objective attractiveness here. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

He texts me but won't meet me in person?

Because he's not that interested, or he just lost interest, clearly something is holding him back which is that he doesn't have enough motivation to meet you. Your decision is on point. Move on!... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

What does it mean when a guy teases a girl that another guy has a crush on her?

Why is it a problem, guy A also likes you a little bit, and he isn't that close with guy B to stop himself from showing interest to you. I agree with you the situation is a bit silly, but it's... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

What is your favorite song by The Weeknd?

Party Monster and Lonely night. Trending & News

+1 y

My husband hasn't told his family we are married?

I understand this situation cuz I've thought about it before. I thought if I'm in America or something and I got to know some girl and really wanted to the next level with her, then am gonna... Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

He's the best I can I've ever had in bed but I don't want to see him anymore. Should I do the fade away or block his number?

You should be guarded, and you should be honest, he sounds like a guy with a good heart but a disturbed personality, that's why you should be guarded. And you should be honest and strict... Dating

+1 y

Is the bob cut sexy?

Your taste is awesome. You picked three of my favorite celebrities of all time, especially keira. Thank you =D Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

How to look childish?

it's about how you act, more than what you wear. Just laugh a lot and act very happy and silly, I am 23 and I have a friend who's like this, she acts like she's 12 even tho she is 23, she just... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Boyfriend keeps threatening to block me?

Because he's immature. how serious is this, are you willing to break up with him? Guy's Behavior

+1 y

What does it mean if a girl glows?

He means that you are stunningly beautiful. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Describe the perfect relationship?

1-Compatable. 2-Selfless. 3-Bring the best out of each other. 4-In love. 5-Passionate. 6-Satisfy each other's need. Dating

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