What does it mean when a guy teases a girl that another guy has a crush on her?

This guy, let's call him A, I work with he keeps saying that another guy B that works there has a crush on me. I tell him “I don't believe you.” Then he turns around and says“nah I'm messing but its true.” Guy A in the past asked me for coffee and called me beautiful. "hey beautiful……” I ignored the comment because I wasn't sure what I heard but then I sorta gave him a blank face and he said it again and I proceeded to sorta dismiss it.

More detial of the situation

To clarify he did tell me the other guys name. I'm a little bewildered as to why he keeps bring it up. So to make more sense of this situation guy A bringing up this guy B up. But guy B his good friend C who happens to work there brought him up to me saying “oh he is sick today. Hey you should go see if he is feeling alright.” Me being me thinking “okay…why?” to guy C.

I asked guy A why did guy C bring up B. Does he know that I know what he told me. Basically guy A said “I was just messing with not sure if he is over you but oh he is better friends then I am with guy B. Probably did it to be a good wingman.” To be honest I want to laugh at this situation because it seems silly.
What does it mean when a guy teases a girl that another guy has a crush on her?
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