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+1 y

Are you a Blanket Hog?

Yes because it's one of the few things that I like to cuddle with. I prefer the warmth of a blanket over human contact. Other

+1 y

On a scale of 1 - 10, how would you rate yourself?

Personality: 4/10 or 5/10 because it's not that great. Body: 9/10 because I worked on it and I get compliments on it. Face: People have rated my looks between 10/10 to 25/10 so I'll go with... Other

+1 y

Guys, would you feel emasculated if a woman saved your life?

Nope, I wouldn't feel emasculated. I would feel disappointed in myself because I couldn't save myself. I would say thank you but I would feel retarded at the same time. I would feel like a... Other

+1 y

My dad calls me a fucking idiot and other names. I feel like I can't love him?

You shouldn't love him. He's emotionally abusive. I'm glad my father isn't like that. Family & Friends

+1 y

Are sharp jawlines attractive?

Yes, and I'm proud to have one. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Did you win the genetic lottery?

Yes, I won the jackpot. Other

+1 y

Are you shy or Open minded in real life?

I'm not shy. And I'm open minded. Other

+1 y

Why do people stare even though they know it's rude?

It's because they are rude and they don't care. Society & Politics

+1 y

What's your definition of a daddy's girl?

A girl who gets spoiled by her dad... Other

+1 y

When do/did you graduate high school/college?

I graduated highschool in 2013. I'm not going to college. Education & Career

+1 y

What is your favourite colour?

I don't have a favorite color. I like every color. Other

+1 y

Have you ever seen this man in your dreams?

Nope, the people in my dreams look better than that. I guess those patients have been targeted by this man... Other

+1 y

Would you have sex with Becca Swanson?

No... #ew #yuck #gross Other

+1 y

Do you think Stalin's Soviet Union was bad or good?

It was a very evil regime. Stalin sucks. Society & Politics

+1 y

Your personal opinion: Is Zendaya hot or not?

She is more aesthetically attractive than most women. Other

+1 y

How many genders do you think there are?

There are only three sexes (male, female, and intersex). For intersex people, it depends on the case. Sometimes their parents make the decision, but the intersex person could make a decision about... Trending & News

+1 y

Who's hungry? Post a pic of what you're craving? Food & Beverage

+1 y

Your favorite Korean dish?

None. I don't eat Korean food. Food & Beverage

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