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+1 y

White guys would you convert to Islam if?

But you wouldn't convert to their religion? Pfft. Talking about true love and shit. Relationships

+1 y

Do you have different standards for different races when it comes to dating?

I'd like to see the person and how they react to their environment, sure you can't help being born into a race, culture, nationaity... But that don't mean nothing to me, if a person can make the... Dating

+1 y

I've been told I look like a doll? Other

+1 y

I am a black girl who prefers white guys with Fuller lips especially the bottom lip.. is this wrong?

But why this fad with white people? I understand preferences, not obsessions. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Why does my girlfriend think she's entitled to some of my inheritance? Filler. Relationships

+1 y

Do you have a mental illness?

Insomnia. And the occasional touch of psychopathy. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Is there really a significant height difference between 6' and 6'2?

You stoooolllle my pic. Damn. But as far as I know, you've to nitpick if you really want to see the two inch difference. 5'11 and anything over is tall, from 6' its only a matter of taller. 6'... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Why are men so defensive about their mothers?

Someday maybe you'll be a mom, and you'll have a little boy and he'll have an SO who thinks you're a bitch. Would you agree with her? I guess you should, because you're being one right now. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Best Badass Female movie character? Badass! Because... She suffers in silence. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

How tall is tall for you all?

6' is tallish for a guy. Yeah. I'm 187cm (6'1). For a girl, anything over 5'7 is a pretty solid height. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Outside activities. Choose one?

All of them dude, I'm an adrenaline junkie. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Is it true that it's harder to cuddle with petite girls?

It kinda is, I mean if we're talking about someone between 5' and 5'3. Its nice to bear hug and all, but cuddling isn't as fun as say doing it with someone taller, say 5'7 and over. At that height... Dating

+1 y

Why are guys hardly romantic anymore?

Don't generalize bro, there are a few women who be like this You don't see men whining about them. And most women don't even give gifts or... Relationships

+1 y

Do you think you won the genetic lottery?

I don't know, I'm tall, 'clinically' smart. But I've been an outcast most my life. But I've yet to make a difference in this world, I genuinely don't think that genes alone make a difference, I've... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why are so many women against prenups?

Because somehow materialism is affront to them. I think any independent individual has the right safeguard their own wealth regardless of however deep a relationship is. After all a relationship... Society & Politics

+1 y

Did you get more confident when you started working out?

Definitely. Action cures fear, working out is the best known way to avoid depression and staying healthy. Cause you know, this is the one part of life where your efforts are reciprocated. Health & Fitness

+1 y

How many times a day do you poop?

I'll have to get back to you on that. Other

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