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+1 y

Which body looks better in your opinion?

They both look good. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Are you too ticklish for massages?

I'm not really ticklish so no. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do most vegetarians think meat eaters are monsters?

I'm not a vegetarian so I can't say. Health & Fitness

+1 y

What does "I'd knock the dust off that pussy" mean?

Umm "He wants to fuck her" pretty much sums it up. Other

+1 y

My boyfriend's friend says I'm a keeper. what's that mean?

When you go fishing, there is a legal size you can keep, anything smaller has to be thrown back. Hence, a keeper is something good enough to keep. Dating

+1 y

Did you see this disturbing torture scene in Cars 2?

Hmm doesn't seem that bad to me but I guess that's because I've been really desensitized to stuff like this after watching movies like Saw and Hostel. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Do you think football is overrated?

That's what makes it so great! Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Why do people rate attractiveness with a scale?

Exactly that's why I never rate using a number. Society & Politics

+1 y

Why are men so much more physically stronger than women?

It has a lot to do with our primate ancestors. In some species, males were larger for protection, but that isn't even most of it. Females didn't have to be large. Larger males... Society & Politics

+1 y

Who likes working out on a Friday?

Nope I just prefer to relax on Fridays. Health & Fitness

+1 y

When a guy says "you got a body" what does that mean?

It basically means you have a nice body. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

I am going to flip a coin, Heads or tails?

Meh I'll go with Heads. Other

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