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The Issue of Domestic Violence Among Lesbian and Bisexual Women Couples
I wrote this Take to increase awareness on an issue that isn't addressed by the media, by feminists or by LGBT community. If it's something that... Read More
Racism Goes Both Ways
And ALL ways, for that matter... I've been arguing a lot lately, mostly with black people here on GaG, that racism goes both ways. I had a... Read More
The Panopticon: Surveillance Culture
I went a bit more philosophical with this take for three reasons: 1. I’d like for people to be familiar with the concept of Panopticon, which has always intrigued me. 2. We all have social media one way or another, and we visit several websites per day, leaving possible thumbnails in each place...
Movie Review: Eraserhead
Eraserhead is a black and white film made in 1977, directed and written by David Lynch. I remember sitting in my friend’s house one day, and he insisted for me watch this movie. I understood at the time that it was considered a cult classic film, but I haven’t read or seen anything about it so...
Explaining Type A and Type B Personalities
It’s a recurring theme, especially for guys on GaG, to be talking about alpha and beta personalities. Superficially some people just joke about it, or use it to either put others down or raise their status/perception of others. It definitely has an impact on the readers, even though these are...
Emotional Fulfillment: What Women Are Really Looking For In Relationships, Part 2
One of my ex-girlfriends, who is the person I’ve been with the most (almost 4 years) is one firsthand experience of seeing what I discussed here unfolding. We actually had a very good relationship until maybe the last six months or so where she started to become distant. I got a job offer a...
Emotional Fulfillment: What Women Are Really Looking For In Relationships, Part 1
So I wrote a very extensive take on what men looked for in relationships, and this will be in the same lines at that other one, but I’ll be focusing on what women want. I decided to go into more informative, and reference territory than any of my other takes, and I decided to cut it in two...
Male Nourishment: What Men are Really Looking For in Relationships
Disclaimer: If it feels I’m beating a dead horse, I’m sorry but not sorry, since this is my preferred perspective to see relationships, through female and male behavior. At the same time, my focus on each of these takes is to open up a new subject and dwell on it a bit to fully understand what...
Idealized Traditionalism: What It Really Is and Where it Comes From, Part 2
So this is notably a direct continuation of my last take . The last thing I attempted to explain was in what ways do men project their sexuality and their nature onto women, and how that took them nowhere. So the following question was: How then, do females project their sexuality onto males?...
Idealized Traditionalism: What It Really Is and Where it Comes From, Part 1
If you haven’t read my first take, you’re very welcome to read it here . This second take I wrote (which I divided in two parts), is basically a pt. 2, and a response to my previous take. Some of the comments were very interesting and I liked some of the feedback I got. But others prompt me to...
There’s NO Compatibility in Relationships: Understanding Female and Male Behavior
So I’ve been meaning to write at least three different takes about relationships, and I have attempted to condense them in one or just two different ones, making it part 1 and part 2. But first of all, I’m not particularly a good writer. English is sort of my main language, but I don’t use it as...