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Why You Should Move Quickly with Women

"You should move slowly to make her feel comfortable!" I know that you may have heard from others (women in particular) that you should be moving slowly with girls in order to begin a new, potentially thriving relationship. However, the more slowly you move, the more problems you have. Problems...

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I Ignored All of Her Signs, and Now She's Gone

"Ugh, he doesn't like me" This year, I ended up meeting this junior girl in high school by making a cold approach, asking her to play cards with me. Every once in awhile I would ask her again, but honestly, I don't think she would've agreed every time if she wasn't at least slightly interested....

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Approach Invitations

"I'd love it if he'd come talk to me!" Ever find yourself in a situation where you're ready to make an approach with a girl, or are unsure how to lead him your way? If you are wondering whether or not she'd really appreciate your approach, check out the signs and signals she gives out, because...

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Mixed Signals From Women

Does this girl like me or not?? In my life, I have met various women whose attitude toward me would change just with a snap. They would be nice, warm, and friendly with me, but then become coy or aloof with me on the next. This may get you wondering whether she likes you or not, since she only...

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This is What Stops a Guy from Approaching You

The Fear of Rejection. You may be a popular girl, a really outgoing girl who gets along well with everyone, a beautiful girl with many great friends, or even a girl that likes to be surrounded by male attention. See, the better or a person you appear to be, the more he values you. When you...

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Why I Hate Asking for Help

No, thank you Personally speaking, I love to be of help to people. I stumbled upon GirlsAskGuys after seeing a few questions that were asked about guy's behavior by a few girls, and I thought that this would be the perfect website where I could contribute to the best that I could and actually...

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Why He Likes You

How could he like me? Ever had a crush on a guy yet wonder how he could like an (un)attractive girl like you? Ever wonder if he truly finds you attractive based off of your looks/personality/etc? Ever wonder why a person could like you in general? As a guy of courtesy, I can always say that...

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The Fear of Rejection

Why can't I just do it? Have you ever had a crush that you're unsure of their feelings for you? Have you ever hesitated to move things along with someone because you're afraid of what might happen? Have you ever stopped yourself from showing signs of interest; better yet, showing signs of...

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Does Your Crush Like You? This One Sign is All You Need

Why me? You have a huge crush on someone in your class. She makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He has an big effect on your mood. They make you feel great, but you wonder whether or not they feel the same way. Believe it or not, your typical person (whether or not is a crush), has very...

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Signs a guy likes you

As a guy, I'd like to say that we have feelings, and because we do, you will be able to pick up signs of attraction if you were to have a crush on one. That being said, a guy can like you but have a terrible time at displaying it, but I'm prepared to get into in depth detail on why he's doing...

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