Mixed Signals From Women

Mixed Signals From Women

Does this girl like me or not??

In my life, I have met various women whose attitude toward me would change just with a snap. They would be nice, warm, and friendly with me, but then become coy or aloof with me on the next. This may get you wondering whether she likes you or not, since she only appears to do these things every once in awhile, causing you to wonder if you've done anything wrong. Below are a few examples of the typical mixed signal types that I've come across, and what to do about them.

The Hot/Cold Case

This is the type of woman who is unsure whether they truly like you or not. To determine if she is playing Hot/Cold, check out her behavior around you and see if she is changing from being really nice and flirtatious to completely ignoring you constantly. I urge men to move fast with women, as by going aggressively after what you want, you will be able to avoid these mixed signals altogether, since you would be asking her out as soon as you began to see definite signs of interest. Though be warned.. A woman that plays Hot/Cold with you may enjoy flirting with others just as well as they flirt with you, and the days when she's cold with you, she may be hot with someone else. The quicker you move with the flirtatious type, the better the chance you avoid these mixed signals altogether, and the quicker and more easily you may move on if she isn't interested.

The Big Flirt Case

I once had a girl that was just great. She was friends with everyone, flirtatious with me, and overall just a good person. The problem with these girls however, is that they behave the same with every other guy that she talks to. You may feel as though this woman genuinely likes you a lot, but please check and make sure that she isn't at the same level of flirtatiousness as everyone else. You may have been orbiting around her friend zone along with the other guys, thus leading you nowhere, even though she seems to be interested in you. To spot a big flirt, determine how she acts around everyone, and see if that changes how she acts around you. If she has plenty of male attention around her all the time, and her behavior doesn't seem to change around you compared to the other guys, take warning. Big flirts are only flirtatious because the vibes that she gets from men are positive and are likely to continue to preform that same friendly and flirtatious behavior with every man they talk to, but nevertheless, they'll lead you nowhere. My best advice: Be as different as you possibly can from those other guys to spice up an attraction, or completely move on.

Hiding Her Feelings

These girls really tend to annoy me, confuse me, and flat out piss me off, but I suppose I could understand why they do this. This is the type that does this for her own protection, in case you don't reciprocate her feelings. Good news though, these are the type that also genuinely like you, unlike the others who tend to enjoy flirting more. From personal experience and from experiences from women, if a girl were to completely ignore you over anyone else, or act coy and a little aloof towards you, take heed. She will be receptive if you were to try to move things forward, and for that reason, she will be glad that you finally moved things forward, if you were to move things forward. These are the types of girls that wonder whether or not you like them, and wait for you to do everything, making her feel wanted if you were to take initiative with her. They are very annoying for a reasonable cause.. the fear of rejection.

To deal with these signals, your best bet is to move things along with any girl you're interested as soon as possible. There acting this way based off of their perception of you, meaning that they are unsure whether you like them or not. You don't want to have to take the risk or feeling the pain of being rejected for another guy, being ignored by the girl you like, or being friend-zoned, so you must move quickly. Love quickly to assure your girl that you like her (not into her) for the better chance that she'll reciprocate those feelings into something greater.

Mixed Signals From Women
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