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+1 y

What is a hall pass?

A hall pass means you can fuck whomever you want while the "pass" is in effect. So by saying "Let's take a break" you gave him a hall pass for an unset amount of time. Which is the same thing as... Flirting

+1 y

What should I wear to a job fair?

Light blue looks good and professional. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

My boyfriend said this is his idea of a perfect body, do you agree?

That's just sad. This is the perfect body from the front From the back Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do you shave your pits?

No it's all natural there. Never trimmed and don't intend to. Health & Fitness

+1 y

GAGers which Kinder product is your favorite?

These ones As well as the eggs Other

+1 y

Why do guys hate/dislike big boobs?

The only people that say "small boobs rock" are insecure girls with small boobs, manginas, white knights and desperate guys. The bigger the better as long as it's not F cups or higher then it... Relationships

+1 y

What does money look like in your country?

Canadian dollars Wow New Zealand dollars look pretty cool Society & Politics

+1 y

Does Ana Cheri have fake tits?

They are fake Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Whats better peanut butter or jelly?

Well I prefer chocolate but you can have peanut butter and jelly Health & Fitness

+1 y

What body type do you prefer?

Well I look like a White version of Usain Bolt so I guess I got to try to look more like Ian Somerhalder. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Is "mavro" technically a racial slur?

According to Wikipedia Mavro (Greek: meaning "black") is an indigenous red grape cultivated on the island of Cyprus. The grape takes its name from its dark colour. According to Urban... Society & Politics

+1 y

Is manspreading offensive?

This is a thing? WTF is wrong with people Ok next time I'm manspreading on the subway, I always try to give people space but f*ck it. I'm gonna spread my legs so I'm doing the splits... Society & Politics

+1 y

Should I get breast reduction surgery?

They are the perfect size, be proud of them. It is no that they are an inconvenience but you will get used to them and be able to get lots of guys. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Who would you like to help you wash?

A health care professional would be the best choice since you know they are just doing their job and you don't get too attached. I would prefer an average looking woman since I would feel... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How many chips from a large bag could you eat in one sitting?

I think I eat like 3/4 but than again, when I start everything just fades away and it's just me and the chips. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Sneaking a guy into boarding school?

Everybody else is saying don't do it but I kind of think you should. The adrenaline rush that you would get from the whole experience would be incredible (if you don't get caught that is). Try to... Family & Friends

+1 y

Why do russian women look like this?

Lol the stereotypes I heard is that they are looking for a rich Western man and that they are very loyal. But since I've actually met Russian girls I know that it isn't always the case.... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Guys, why don't you like small boobs?

DON'T GET SURGERY!!! As much as I like big boobs I wouldn't want a girl to go through plastic surgery just to please me. There are plenty of guys that like small boobs, just check out some of... Relationships

+1 y

What is your interpretation of the saying "less human, more being"?

Not just Physically present, (Human) but mentally present too (Being) Other

+1 y

Guys, what does it mean when a guy says," she's okay I guess" after being asked if he likes her?

It means either 1) she's kinda attractive but I wouldn't go for it or 2) she's hot but I don't want to hurt your feelings Guy's Behavior

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